Sunday, February 21, 2016

Post #2: Myth Number One

Photo Cred (Diana Holloway)
Photo Cred (Diana Holloway)
  Homeschool Myth Number One: Being homeschooled means you cannot play sports.  As you can see from the pictures, I have been privileged to be a part of some pretty special sports teams, particularly volleyball, basketball, and soccer.  Yeah, homeschool teams are not always as competitive as public or private school teams, but did you know that some of the best players (especially in basketball) have come from homeschooling backgrounds??  Just as an example, if you watch NCAA Div. 1 basketball, like I do, and are a fan of the BIG 12 conference, you know that Oklahoma has several talented players on their team, and they even have a top prospect for player of the year!  Forward Khadeem Lattin is a valuable asset to the team who plays a lot of minutes, and he actually comes from a homeschool group from around Houston.  In fact, he even played in the same national homeschool tournament I played in this past year!  Pretty cool, right?  While my homeschool group does not have quite the same talent level as his does, my team did win the championship in our bracket at the tournament!  It just goes to show that you cannot judge a book by its cover, and that there are a lot of opportunities for homeschoolers out there if you just take a closer look!  The pictures show me enjoying one of the best years I've ever had playing sports where we won third place in our volleyball league tournament, first in our basketball league tournament, and only lost three games during our soccer season.  Playing sports has been such a blast!  I am so very grateful for the opportunities my homeschool group has provided me.


  1. Oh, and side note, if you're curious, we do actually play some public school teams, and have beaten 3A and 4A local high schools in basketball.

  2. I have always been curious to learn more about homeschooling! I have only been around the public school system and my only exposure to homeschooling is seeing it on television shows like "19 and Counting." I love hearing about the advantages and similarities of home schooling. Is there any aspects of home schooling that were difficult or you didn't like?
