Monday, April 11, 2016

Post #11: Myth Number Four

Photo cred - Ally Holloway
Photo cred - Ally Holloway
  The fourth Myth about homeschoolers is that they are somehow 'deprived' of 'normal social experiences,' such as proms, graduation ceremonies, parties, competitions, and the like, that other 'normal' kids experience.  The truth is, I've experienced all of the above--except maybe parties (in the way that would be negative, that is), but how many parents really want their kids to experience that??--on several occasions.  I went to our substitute for prom (formal--and yes! Some people do go as couples believe it or not!) for four different years, and as you can see from the pictures, we look fairly 'normal'. (Sidenote: My dress was actually worn to a public high school senior prom)  At least I think so...  But I could be a little biased.  Even so, whether you agree or not, my point isn't that we are normal.  In fact, we aren't.  We are different and we're proud of it.  We aren't here to fit in, but we aren't being psychologically or socially deprived either.  It's true, in the past homeschooling did not provide as many opportunities as it does now, but those days are quickly falling behind us.  Why, even public schools are advertising their own at home curriculums!  It just goes to show that you cannot judge a book by its cover, and you cannot judge a person without knowing them yourself.
Photo Cred - Ally Holloway

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